ABOUT MGclus is a new algorithm designed to detect modules with a strongly interconnected neighborhood in large-scale biological interaction networks. MGclus is implemented in Java and utilizes the JGraphT graph library. This file has information about how to use this tool. INSTALLATION The MGclus tool requires the jgrapht and log4j Java libraries. The MGclus package contains all required libraries and the source code. The easiest way to use MGclus is to use the included JAR file. EXECUTION The input is a tab-separated network file, with node names in the first and second column, and an optional edge weight in the third column. Via the command line interface, the user can specify the merge-gain cut-off, whether edge weights should be used, and other options. Run the MGclus package as follows: java -jar mgclus.jar -f INFILE [OPTIONS] The output is a list of found clusters, each on a separate line as tab separated node labels. If not specified, the name of the output file is as follows: mgclus.out.INFILE_NAME EXAMPLE There are two example input files included: The first example contains a random network with 20 clusters. The second example contains S. Cerevisiae protein interaction data from BioGRID (Stark et al., 2004). The network is restricted to high-throughput physical interaction data and was further limited to data from experiments utilizing the yeast two-hybrid technique. References Stark,C. et al. (2004) The BioGRID Interaction Database: 2011 update. Nucleic acids research, 39, 698-704